It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals

It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals
Part mom stuff, part snark and sarcasm. Part relationships. Part random bullshit. Often unintentionally funny. I write stuff, sometimes people actually read it. It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The trials and tribulations of Motherhood ...aka, is my kid already too screwed up, or am I actually doing this right?

I had a beautiful blog entry in my head this morning as I showered, and now I have no idea what it was going to be.  So, here's what popped out instead.

The Minion will latch onto something and be pretty much obsessed for days, possibly a couple of weeks.  It can be a TV show or a food, it varies.  Currently he's obsessed with hot dogs.  He wants them for every meal.  I do not allow that, of course, but I will admit to a larger than normal hot dog consumption for the past couple of weeks.  I am hoping the phase passes soon, and saw a glimmer of hope this morning when he again requested a boiled egg.

I do have to limit him, even on the healthy stuff.  Four bananas in one day is just too many bananas for anyone, much less a pre-schooler.  But he's off bananas for the moment and on to other things.  Like boiled eggs ... which, were does he even get that from?  I like boiled eggs, but it's not something that I cook a lot of, unless I am making egg salad or potato salad or something like that.  Odd.

We had a kiwi kick a couple of weeks ago, and it was kiwi for just about every meal.  Before that it was Colby-Jack cheese and red grapes.  Now he no longer likes red grapes, only green.  It's hard to keep up sometimes.  He will eat a block of cheese all day long, but won't touch a grilled cheese sandwich.  He loves chili but would rather gnaw off his own arm than eat a helping of pinto beans (or any other bean for that matter, besides green beans).

I made a pot of 15 Bean Stew over the weekend.  LOTS of beans, mixed veggies, tomatoes, diced onion and turkey smoked sausage.  Any of these things alone would get an outright refusal.  But he ate a bowl and liked it.  Even asked for it for lunch today.  It baffles me.

He's also obsessed with The Power Rangers and wants to watch it ALL THE TIME.  I can deal with an episode or two, but then I need a break.  It never fails though, if he gets TV time, and you ask him what he wants to watch, he's gonna say Power Rangers.  Not only that, but he wants specific episodes.  On Demand is a beautiful thing ... until they take an episode down.  Then all hell breaks loose.

This morning, he randomly recited the entire Pledge of Allegiance.  I had no idea he even knew it existed, and here he is, reeling it off like it's old hat.  A few weeks ago, we were at the store and he pointed out some book or package (I don't remember exactly what it was) that had a silhouette of the Statue of Liberty on it and said, "Look, Mama, it's the Statue of Liberty!"  I am pretty sure that I had no idea it even existed when I was his age.  He alternately impresses me and terrifies me with all the things he knows.  One morning on the way to school he lectured me about cumulonimbus clouds.  WTF?  I still don't know what that is.  He knows more about Star Wars than I do.  Yet he still confuses tomato and potato, and has trouble with yesterday and tomorrow.  It's a strange age.

Some days he will dress himself alone and be so well coordinated it's frightening.  Other times he will insist on fixing himself his own food and somehow manage to have a pretty well balanced meal, even taking into consideration that it involves some sort of gummy or chocolate.  He desperately wants to slice fruits and veggies and help me cook.  He is fascinated by the task of doing laundry.  Then, the next day he suddenly can't possibly get dressed without my help.  Can't even put on a shoe.  This mix of being so grown up and yet still so much the baby is a constant source of anxiety for me.  Because I want him to be independent and self-sufficient, yet I still just can't quite let go of my baby that I want to cuddle and dress and rock and all that.  Obviously he is struggling with the transition as well, and it's a huge learning curve to master.

Often, I just watch him and can't believe that this little person who is so well defined and so ... precise ... came from me.  He has gestures that are 100% his daddy and they must be ingrained on his DNA or something.  The stuff he says and does just blows me away.  He is the coolest kid ever.

And then other days I watch him and wonder, is that normal?  Is he TOO obsessive about that?  Is
it typical for a kid his age to say or do that particular thing?  I worry that there is something going on that I am dismissing, and conversely, nothing there at all that I am trying to turn into an issue.  Everyone is so quick to label a kid with some sort of disorder these days.  There are times when I can't decide if I am just being too paranoid and a product of that tendency to label everything that we seem to have in today's society.  Can a kid just be kinda hyper sometimes, or does he have to have some sort of ADHD disorder?  If I am missing something, will he suffer later in life?  If I am trying to over diagnose normal behavior and make it a problem, will that screw him up too?  It's a constant struggle that I try to keep to myself.

Added to that, he loves me most.  He practically lives attached to my hip.  If I am walking, he's right up under me.  If I am sitting, he's right on top of me.  He sleeps with me.  He wants me in his sight at all times.  When I do something without him, some alone time, he just cannot stand it.  He does not want me to have alone time.  He wants me to have Minion time.  It's the sweetest thing ever, and it makes me crazy.

Yet he listens to nothing I say or ask.  I realize that's not a big deal really, not now.  I guess I should really say that he listens to me fine most of the time, just not when I really want it to.  I mean, it's not like he's running out into traffic or anything like that.  It's mainly when we are in a situation where I just really want him to be the bestest boy, the perfect sweet angel.  One of those, please don't let the general public, or this specific person, see what a crazy heathen he can be.  He spends time with my Mom and he is a complete angel.  I walk in the door and he turns into psycho child, bouncing off the walls, not listening, being crazy wild.  I think he does it just to make my mom nuts because he knows that it bothers her.  I go between wanting to crack down and be militaristic mom to just saying screw it and letting him go.  I have yet to find a happy medium.  Which probably doesn't help the situation.

I alternate between two states:

Wanting to have him involved in ten different activities so that he is active and involved and a part of something.  So that he grows up doing stuff and trying new things and just having a fun adventurous childhood

Wanting to spend every spare moment cuddled on the couch watching a movie and reading a book and watching him play with his Star Wars figures.  Keeping him mine, all mine, for as long as I can, just being amazed at him and all his cuteness.

Some days I feel like I balance it pretty well.  Other times I feel like I am failing miserably.  I want him to grow up and go out on his own and experience the world.  But I want him to stay with me forever and always need his Mama.  I suppose every parent feels that.  I would assume.  How could you not?

Now it's time to get ready to register for kindergarten, to prepare to send him to the big school with the big kids and the big work.  And I am just not ready.  I can't wait to see what he does when he gets there.  New friends, new skills.  But wow.  I can't even type this without crying.  I used to laugh at those silly women who cried when talking about first days of school, first milestones, first events.  And now, I am one.  Now it's not so silly.  Now it's monumental and overwhelming and I want to freeze time here for just a little bit longer.

Minion art:
Not sure what the black and red blobs are ... possibly the knife and dripping blood from the latest enemy I have skewered.  Also, he says the other small thing is a baby ... wishful thinking on his part, though we are trying.

Monday, January 27, 2014

yep, liberal roots still showing. other than that, there's stuff. some might even be interesting to others

Now that I am all on FB and being fancy, I feel pressure to write something amusing, to entertain the Internets.

And I am failing miserably.  I have nothing to say.  Total blank.  This does not please me.

I could go all political and launch another tirade about legalizing pot or same sex marriage or stupid wingnut politicians ... been there, done that.  It's pretty safe to say, you know my stance.  Just to clarify though:

Legalize and tax that shit = solving debt problems, support munchie food production.  Also, pretty sure alcohol causes much more damage daily, and it's still legal, so get over it already.

If gay people are ruining the sanctity of marriage, then I fully expect no more divorces, ever.  No cheating scandals.  No domestic violence.  Nothing but marital freaking bliss around the globe.  Because people are shitty everywhere.  Marriages are trashed daily.  Man, woman, doesn't matter.  Love is love and all that crap.  Also, since a lot of the people that were around when the Bible was written had multiple wives and slaves and shit, I really don't think you can go with that whole "one man and one woman" nonsense.

And let's not get me started on politics.  Just thinking of it makes my eye twitch.  Separation of church and state.  and I will leave it at that.

So, yeah.  That's me. Still the same.  Imagine that.

I am trying to be more healthy and work exercise back into my life.  My clothes just keep getting smaller and at this rate I will be forced to just go buy bolts of fabric and drape it around me like some sort of mu-mu if I don't get more proactive.

It's been over a year that our house has been dog free.  I miss those little buggers like you can't believe.  But it has been so nice, after 15 years, to have freedom to go and do - and not have to worry about rushing home to take care of a pet.  I want a critter.  The Minion wants a critter.  Even POF wants a critter.  But with our work schedules right now, it just wouldn't be fair.  I can't bring a new pet into our family and leave it alone for 10-12 hours a day.  It's just not right.  So, for now, no pets.  I am both sad and relieved.

My mother is having her house remodeled.  She told me in passing, several weeks ago, that she dreamed that after her work was done, she just sent the contractor down and had him do mine.  Oh, if only.  Now, it's in my head.  I find myself regularly making mental lists of all the things I would do if I could.  The most important, the must haves, the wishful thinking.  And now, after years of not being able to imagine it at all, I can see it.  I can see the vision clearly in my head of what I would have, what I would want.  And it is killing me.  Because it's not going to happen.  At least not anytime soon. 

We are still trying to get ourselves back on track.  Pay off bills and dig ourselves out of credit card and student load debt.  A remodel is not in the cards.  I want it.  Desperately.  But the fact is, if someone handed me $50k tomorrow and said, "Go! Remodel!".  I would probably take that money and turn it right around and pay off the credit card and student loans.  And then, with the little bit that was left, I would pay a chunk of the principal on our existing mortgage.  Cause I am crazy like that.

I keep waiting for that long lost rich relative to die and leave me millions.  Or for that Powerball number to come up in my favor.  But ... I have no secret rich relatives ( has seen to that), and I have to play to win.  To date, I have never purchased a Powerball ticket.  Sigh.  And honestly, I don't want to be rich.  I just want my bills paid and enough money that if I need a new A/C unit, or a new fridge, or something like that, I can get it.  Without having to worry that it will bankrupt me. 

I know I am not alone in those thoughts.  And I also know that I am so very fortunate to have so much more than so many others.  So I try to keep my thoughts in check, my dreams in perspective, my wants under control.  I have a roof over my head, a car to drive, a job to go to, food on my table, healthy family.  I am blessed.

I am also pissed off that I am not a descendant of the Vanderbilt family.  Seriously.  Have you seen Biltmore?  I want to live there.  Just in the library.

Also, POF is very anti cat.  To amuse myself, I occasionally mention that maybe we should get a cat.  The trauma this creates amuses me to no end.  He will shudder.  And retch.  And cringe.  It fills my little black heart with evil glee to do it.  I know I am kidding.  I am not sure that he knows I am kidding.  You think by now he would realize I just say it to get a rise out of him.  If I REALLY want to make him crazy, after mentioning cats, I suggest we get a bird.  Heh.  Chaos ensues. 

See?  Nothing to say, and plenty said.  I amaze myself.  Also, I should be working.  This is quality abuse of company time, right here.  Shhhhhhh ... don't tell.  (Not that it would matter.  I will end up ratting myself out to the boss, like I usually do.  I have Catholic guilt.  And I am not even Catholic)

Time to earn my pay.

Friday, January 24, 2014

QoE has invaded FB ... gird your loins!

so, because I am basically technologically ignorant, here's me.  on facebook.  all fancy and shit.  like it.  share it. 

maybe I will even write something new soon so it actually serves a purpose.