It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals

It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals
Part mom stuff, part snark and sarcasm. Part relationships. Part random bullshit. Often unintentionally funny. I write stuff, sometimes people actually read it. It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The requested one where I break down my ridiculousness by the minute.

By popular demand ...

Have you ever wondered what happens at the Haus of Eville?  Generally, while we are always on the lookout for potential plots of world domination, things are pretty mundane.  Laundry, dishes, lawn work.

Granted, I am pretty sure the sink is possessed by some sort of evil enchantment that makes the dirty dishes reproduce while we sleep.  And we have broken two lawn mowers in two weeks, leading me to suspect that another evil enchantment also controls our grounds.  That combined with excessive rain in the last two weeks has left us contemplating if a heard of goats might somehow be incorporated into our lawn care regimen.

But for the most part - same old routine.  However, once in a while you get a day that just throws you for a loop.  I had one of those this morning.  So, I give you How My Day Started.  You're welcome.

4:15 AM  Alarm goes off.  I wake up, alone.  Interesting.  Wonder why the minion got up in the middle of the night and went to sleep in his bed with the husband.  Head to kitchen to pack husband’s cooler for the day.

4:16 AM  No cooler.  Head outside to get cooler from car in tshirt and underwear. 

4:17 AM  Standing in driveway, in tshirt and underwear, realize that husband drove truck.  Truck is locked.  Head back inside to get keys.  Spend two minutes rummaging through pants pockets in the floor, looking for keys.  Head back outside.

4:20 AM  Truck is parked in grass.  Open passenger door from driveway and realize cooler is behind driver’s seat.  This will involve a trek through the wet grass in the dark.  Yay.  Still in underwear and tshirt.  Do not care.

4:23 AM  Survived trip around truck in wet grass (ew ew ew).  Start to open truck door and realize that OMG I have to pee.  And I am going to pee, whether I like it or not, in 3-2-1.

4:23 AM  Immediately drop panties and crouch into peeing in the wild position.  Unleash torrent of urine into yard.  (Note – I am now half naked with my ass hanging out for the world to see.  Note that I live on a main road with a 50 MPH speed limit.  I still do not care.  Thank sweet baby Jebus that no one drove by, even though it was still pitch black outside and no streetlights.  My giant white ass is a beacon)

4:24 AM  Realize that I now must balance myself on the square inch of ground that my left foot covers so as not to accidentally step in the pee area … which I can’t really see for sure since it’s DARK outside. Begin to obsess about possible pee contamination.  Retrieve cooler.

4:26 AM  Make lunch and pack cooler

4:30 AM  Head back to bedroom.  Absently wonder again why the minion went to sleep with husband.  Sit down on side of bed to check feet for possible traces of yard pee (negative). 

4:31 AM.  Wet spot.  Now know answer to why minion left bed to go sleep with husband.  Strip bed.  Spray mattress.  Take sheets to washer and start load.  Return to bedroom, flipping on lights and mumbling obscenities about loved ones under my breath.

4:33 AM  Turn more lights on.  Get sheets from dresser at end of hallway.  Slam drawer, sigh a lot.  Loudly.  Mutter and curse.  Loudly.  Remake bed, as loudly as possible.  Extra drawer banging for effect.


4:45 AM   Still no one stirs.  Give up, turn off lights, mutter some more hateful things toward my beloved son and husband, climb back into clean, dry bed.

4:50 AM Husband’s alarm goes off.  Snooze.

5 AM alarm goes off again.  He gets up.  I fall asleep.

5:45 AM my alarm goes off.  Head to kitchen to put sheets in dryer.  No indication that he noticed my pre-dawn plight.  Shower and carry on.  It’s a miracle I don’t drink a lot.


  1. I have days like this. One week, I left the blinds to the bathroom window open (mirrored so.. ) only, at night time you can see EVERYTHING. I did not know this, of course, until my old neighbor man came and told me. I wonder if that's why he moved

  2. I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing at this. It's always the way... you risk your beacon, I mean, ass, and no one notices. Hope you were able to sleep in after that early morning fiasco!
