So, who is The Queen of Evil? What lies at her core? (Spoiler: it is NOT strawberry nougat. I checked.)
Well, I've been called bitchy, cold, standoffish, and unapproachable. Coincidentally, this has been by people I didn't like. I can usually tell within 5-10 minutes if I am gonna like you or not. But once I decide that I like you, it might take me several days or weeks to actually open up and let you in - past that big wall of evil I build around myself sometimes. If I do consider you my friend, I'd do just about anything for you. I keep my list of friends very small. Piss me off, I will probably forgive you. Do it again, and I might not speak to you for weeks, months or years. Keep pissing me off, and I am liable to say very, very harsh things to you before filing you in the Dead to Me file.
I wouldn't say I am really religious, per se, but I do believe there is something bigger than me. If you want to label that God, that is fine. I think evolution is a scientific fact. I believe the events in the Bible happened, but I don't think that what is in the Bible is the end all, be all. Other religions have books, and their stories and points of view are just as valid. I don't think that any one religion or section of a religion is special or chosen or more worthy than another. We all worship the same thing, we just call it different things, whether you are saying Our Fathers or dancing naked under the moonlight.
I grew up in a denomination that I refer to as The Cult, and really don't have a lot of use for organized religion. My problem isn't church, it's the judgemental, two-faced hypocrites that attend it. But, I feel like my child does need to have a foundation in religion, so I have made an effort to take him to church. When he's old enough to make his own decisions, he can choose if he wants to attend or not. But at least he will know what the Bible is and what it says, etc. What he chooses to believe is his choice.
I think everyone should have the right to own a gun if they want, or feel the need to. I do not see why anyone needs to own a fully automatic machine gun. That's just not necessary.
I don't care if you are black, white, or purple ... or gay or straight. That really doesn't have anything to do with me. Every person should have the right to be who they are and live their life as they choose. To be a country that prides itself on its Godliness or Christianness, we sure are a judgemental, persecuting lot. Isn't there something in the Bible about not judging others? I think that judgement is God's job, and what he decides is between him and that person. It's not really my place to do it for him. And God doesn't really share his opinions with me, so it's not my place to decide what his opinions might be.
I think that there is a very Special Hell for people that abuse animals and children. There are times when I'd like to send those people there myself.
I have really bad language, though I am making an effort now that I have a kid - a kid that will no doubt start to mimic bad words in the very near future.
When I was 15, I said no marriage before 30 and no kids before 35. I stuck to that. POF and I have been together for 17 years and I made him wait 13 before actually marrying him. It took threat of divorce for me to get on board with the kid thing. But I agreed to it, and within a few months the Minion was on his way. He's the best thing I ever did. And now we have at least one person to threaten us with the nursing home when we get old and mean(er).
I love dachshunds. I am a voracious reader. I love Joss Whedon's brain. I love Heathers, Anchorman, Twister and Rosencrantz & Gildenstern Are Dead. I am quirky. I have a quick temper and not a lot of patience for bullshit. I tell it like it is and don't sugar coat much. Sometimes I am too blunt. If you don't want the truth, then don't ask my opinion ... you'd think people would learn this by now, but sometimes they just don't get it.
The best thing POF ever gave me was a Valentine's Day card. It had a picture of a candy heart on it with all the pieces of chocolate in it. And there were little arrows drawn to the pieces with labels like "your smile", "your laugh", mushy shit like that. And he drew an arrow of his own to a piece and labeled it "Your Evilness". That is why I love him.
Why am I here? People always tell me I that I should write. I've never really tried it, though I admit I am much better in print that in person. Do I have lots to say? You bet. Lots of shit pisses me off, and I have volumes to say about it. Does anyone care? I have no idea. But we're about to find out.
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