My little Minion is going to be a year old in a couple of days. I can't believe it's been a year already.
This mom thing is pretty cool. And I've made it almost a year with no visits from Child Services, and the kid hasn't packed his bags and run away yet. Not that he can run. But he can crawl pretty fast, so there is a small chance he could escape if he wanted to.
We've had a busy few days, and I am tired. Last night, the kid was actually wide awake, playing in the playpen, and I was on the couch fighting to stay awake. It was 9 PM. I lasted to approximately 9:15. POF finally got the boy to sleep at 10:30.
Obviously this whole time change business doesn't have an adverse effect on the toddler set. The Minion was wide awake and ready to go at 5:30 this morning. Crazy kid.
Hopefully I will find time to post something funny and somewhat improper later. But for now, I have two pitiful sets of weenie dog eyes begging for dinner, and one toddler patiently awaiting his. If I wait much longer the screeching will start, and we've had a good day so far (complete with massive poopy diaper that POF had to change. heh. that always amuses me).
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