Everyone always tells me I should write more, or write a book. And yeah, I have opinions. Very specific opinions. And I can write here and make my point and be funny, or skewer someone or whatever. But the thought of a book is ... daunting. I don't even know what it would be about. I am no Jen Lancaster, by any stretch of the imagination. (Though I would totally love to be her when I grow up)
I guess step one is to broaden the horizons and get more followers. Except, well, how exactly do I do that? How does someone suddenly have "the" blog that lots of people follow? I have no clue. And not a lot of time or energy to devote to worrying about it ... thus, here we are. Me and the 4.7 people that read this. (Hi ya'll!)
What's new in the Land of Eville these days you ask? Well, lots and not much.
The Eville Weenies are hanging in there. Between the two of them, I don't even have one good functional dog. They are adorable and total pains in the ass, and I love them even as I grumble under my breath about having to sit on the floor for half an hour - again - to hand feed one of them dog food. Hand feeding canned dog food is not fun. And really gross. But hey, I'll do whatever I need to do to get the little shit to eat. He is slightly spoiled. And I am a total pushover. Putty in their little dirty doggy paws.
The Minion is more diabolical than ever. And he starts swimming lessons this weekend. Either it will be fantastic, or we will be banned from the pool. He's like his dad in that respect - there's really no middle ground. It's pretty much all or nothing.
I've had some encounters recently with some really unpleasant people. I've decided that people who project the image of good, but who are really sneaky, back-stabbing liars, really deserve what they get. And I sure hope they get it soon. In a myriad of painful and shameful ways.
When I see people doing despicable things, I just want the rest of the world to know too. I want to blow the whistle so very badly. But I know that in the end, it has to come out in its own time. I can't force it, cause then I might be the one that looks like the asshole. But man, it sure is hard to sit here and keep my mouth shut sometimes. And every once in a while, I just can't take it anymore. Looks like today is one of those days.
I thought this person was a friend. I thought they could be trusted. I admired the way that this person preached peace and love and acceptance, equality, doing good in the world. And I thought it was really great the way this person would always be quick to let anyone and everyone know that the significant other in their life was beautiful and wonderful and the light that made life worth living.
And then, I found out otherwise. That facade was a total sham. This person wasn't any of these things. This person was a liar. And a cheater. And a back stabber. Here's just a little example of one thing this person did. One small thing in a pool of many, many things that makes him a total douchenozzle of the highest order.
This guy has been with his girlfriend for years. And I am not talking years years, I am talking DECADES years. She basically totally supports him financially and emotionally. She thinks that he is amazing and can conquer the world. She is there for everything that he does, cheering him on louder than anyone.
And yet ... he uses his potential career angle to hook up with other women. And he tells them all that he fell in love the moment he laid eyes on them. And he's only with the girlfriend till this next thing is a success, then it's over and he will be with them. Some of them believe him. He's juggling a couple right now that used to be friends. One has taken the catty junior high approach, and the other one just walked away hurt. Miss Catty told her she could be trusted, to confide her secrets to her about this mystery guy. So she did. And low and behold, what does Miss Catty do but call the guy, crying, telling him all about what the other woman said.
His response ... to call the other woman and ream her a new one. How DARE she get Catty upset. And what if the girlfriend finds out about all this and gets all suicidal again - how will she feel then? Yeah - total jackass.
As I said, the one walked away hurt but a little wiser. Minus some people she thought were friends, but certainly no longer with any illusions about the situation. But this guy is still at it. He's got so many lies going, he can't keep track. It's all gonna unravel at some point. And man, do I hope the world sees him for what he is.
But the thing about this situation that bothered me the most was the women. The girlfriend may not know about this now, but she obviously knows there have been issues in the past. She probably has suspicions, especially if she might get suicidal - again. And Miss Catty, being all jealous and acting like a teenager over it, upset that he "cheated" on her with the other woman. Uh, duh, he's cheating on his girlfriend WITH you. What makes you think you are the only one?
Where was these women's self respect and dignity? Why didn't they band together and give him a giant F You? I don't get it. Why would you even want to be with someone that you knew was a liar and a cheater? How would you ever know if he was being truthful about ANYTHING? Wouldn't you always wonder if there was yet another one out there somewhere that he was cheating with? It baffles me.
The best part is that this guy runs his mouth way too much. And way too many people know what he's up to. His secrets aren't so secret any more. He thinks he's being so smooth. But slowly, people are figuring out his game. I just wish I could be there to see the implosion. Unfortunately, I am also aware that guys like him always find a way to slither off somewhere else and reinvent themselves. He will be back, in some form or another, of that I am sure. I just hope the women are wiser now. Especially the girlfriend ... I hope she finds some backbone and self-respect and leaves him in the dust.
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