Three year olds are evil in cute little dimpled packages. Maybe not all of them, and maybe not all of the time. But mine sure can be. He's got enough stubborn from both sides ... I am pretty sure we are gonna end up in a Thunderdome type situation before he even starts kindergarten.
As usual, several things have been bugging me lately. Here they are, in no particular order:
1. People who can never be wrong and/or think they know everything about everything. Throw in a little passive-aggressive behaviour, and I just wanna punch someone. The sad thing is that you can't reason with these people. They will NEVER admit they are wrong, even when it is plainly obvious that they are. You can never win because they just don't get it. And that just makes it worse. I try to be a nice person, but I will admit that sometimes I find myself wishing for the Karma truck to run them over. Repeatedly.
2. Politics pisses me off, a lot, so I try to avoid it. But sometimes it filters through. And it continues to amaze me that the conservative right keeps preaching about how we need less government, yet they turn around and propose legislation that takes away womens' rights over control of their own bodies. And now, there is a new one out there that is proposing to make single parent homes child abuse. Seriously? Where do these people come from, and how the hell do the function in today's society? I realize that people with ultra conservative views think that gays are the end of the world. Okay fine - that's your opinion. But since it's mentioned in the Bible, I am pretty sure it's been around for a while. It's not like gay people just appeared last week and started trying to overthrow the world. And all the talk about how children shouldn't be allowed to be adopted by gay people - shouldn't be exposed to that lifestyle. Most gay people come from heterosexual parents. It's not a cult people. *shakes head in disbelief*
And now, single parent homes are child abuse. I was raised by a single mother. As of now, I haven't turned into a serial killing psychopath, so I'd say I turned out all right. Like I said, I get that the conservative right has an opinion that the ideal marriage is between a man and a woman. And the ideal family is a husband, a wife, and children. But that's just not the reality in this world. I can think of someone right off the top of my head who is a single mother. Not by choice. Her husband passed away. It wasn't something she asked for. And last time I checked, her kids were pretty awesome. Yet because she is single, her household would be labeled as abusive. That is just the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
3. On a related topic, politics and people posting stats and things they know nothing about, have not researched, and have no real clue about. I think we can all agree that this country is not exactly at its high point right now. But people seem to forget that our current President didn't create this mess, he inherited it. In some cases, there are issues that have been going on for damn near 20 years. But for some reason, it's only the fault of the current President in office. He's screwed either way - either he caused all this, or he's the worst ever because he hasn't managed to fix everything. This country didn't go off the rails in a mere four years. It's gonna take more than four to fix it. Also, it's a little hard to fix it when you keep trying to bring God into everything. God has no place in politics. They are two separate things.
You keep ranting about religious freedom, yet you keep wanting to push your agendas, dripping with your own personal religious ideals. So you want your own religious freedom, and for people to have freedom as long as they agree with you, but if they don't, then they are wrong? That doesn't sound like The Constitution I remember learning about in school.
4. Here's the thing ... I said The Pledge every morning for years. I'm not indoctrinated. We had a moment of silence every morning - to do whatever you wanted with it. I'm not fanatical. We had Halloween parties and Christmas parties, and no parents sued because it was offensive. We didn't have to call them Fall Festivals or Holiday Parties. I know there are eleventy million different cultures in this country - that's what's supposed to be cool about it. You have your freedom and rights to celebrate and practice your cultural beliefs. What about America's beliefs? We believe in Halloween. And Christmas. And The Pledge. It worked for generations. What's wrong with it now? Because it might offend someone? That's just ridiculous. If you don't agree with it, don't participate. Do your own thing. Even better, tell your class/neighborhood/coworkers about your way of celebrating and have a multi-cultural accepting moment. But don't complain or sue because you don't agree.
People are afraid to have real opinions, to say what they really think. Because they fear punishment or being looked down upon. How is a society supposed to function when no one can really be themselves? Everyone is so busy making sure that the face they show to the world is conforming, that they forget who they really are. And instead we have a world full of plastic fake people who spout their convictions to the world, but don't even believe them behind closed doors. Public perception, public image is more important that standing up for what you really believe in. Go with the flow, don't make waves, don't question. It's bullshit. And it freaks me out.
The political messages in this country are so jumbled and mixed and confusing, it's hard to even know who stands for what anymore. For most people, it's too much to even try to figure out. They judge off sound bites and video clips that aren't always even in context. It's sad and it's scary. And I want my own country on my own planet.
4. Speaking of which ... I believe it's in Virginia that laws are trying to get passed about adoption agencies being able to deny people based solely on their religious or political views. And these are agencies that do take government funding. Obviously it applies to gay people. But it can apply to anyone. If you have a conservative "Christian" agency, they have every right to turn down couples that are Jewish or Democrats.
So, basically, if I get this right, legislation is trying to pass that won't allow a lot of women the freedom of choice to terminate a pregnancy. Which means potentially unwanted children are forced into the world, on a parent that doesn't want them to begin with. A parent that is most likely on the lower socioeconomic scale. And you don't want to provide government funding to help assist these lower income classes, proposed cuts on social services left and right. So maybe the kid gets taken away and put into the system, or is given up for adoption. And now you are putting crazy restrictions on the people that are allowed to adopt, based solely on the discretionary whim of the adoption agency's personal views/beliefs? Seriously?
Am I getting that right? You would rather an unwanted child be forced into a flawed foster care system, potentially till age 18, rather than allow a qualified and loving family to adopt them, just because they might be Catholic or gay or a single parent? And those children are going to be able to contribute what to society exactly? What kind of "Christian" values are they learning in that situation?
What about all the normal, white, heterosexual couples out there that do horrible things to their kids? Where do they fall in all this? Is it better to let a kid be raised by them than a gay couple? Are you telling me that Josh Powell made a better father because he fit the idealized mold, even though he murdered his entire family?
Yeah, people piss me off.
On totally unrelated subjects, I have sort of a split personality. I am generally antisocial. Don't really like parties or social situations requiring me to mingle and make small talk. Yet, I have already done most of the prep for the family Easter shindig we are hosting this year. I'm talking a good 2-30 people here. It's a big gathering. I have egg decorating stuff and all kinds of little doodads for an Easter egg hunt. I even bought stuff for the kids to do Easter crafts. CRAFTS, people. Genuine crafts. What the hell!?!?!?
And I am excited about it. Which is alternately funny and terrifying. Undoubtedly, when The Minion starts having birthday parties, they will be absolutely amazing because I can plan like a pro. But then I just think about the actual socialization part and it makes my eye twitch. I need a clone. A social setting, small talk making, party attending clone. Then I can plan, make an awesome soiree, and go hide in the bedroom with a book and a cup of coffee, in my pajamas, while the clone does the hard stuff. I think this might be my next project.
I think I've done my part for the day. Time to get off the soapbox and go clean up the chaos of cars, trains and Star Wars figures that now litters my entire kitchen and living room. The Minion has been busy while I've been writing. I'll be back again, no doubt with more stupid shit that pisses me off. And maybe a funny story about the kid.
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