Somehow the summer has passed and I haven't written a damn thing. Not that I haven't seen PLENTY to want to write about ... I just haven't actually done it. And then there's the whole what if I write something and then that person sees it and gets mad. I don't really want that to happen for the most part. So I've been quiet. But today I feel like writing. So here goes.
I haven't spoken to a friend of mine in three months now. For a while there we saw each other daily. I love her dearly, but being with her is work. Really hard work. Always worried about what I am saying and how she is going to take it, and oh God what if she takes it the wrong way and gets all wounded and shit. It's taxing. And I can only do that for so long before I just don't give a shit anymore and bail. Wrong? Probably. But there is and has always been drama with her, and sometimes it's either stay away or speak my mind. Speaking my mind has never gone well with her.
Now, in the past three months, there has been drama. I get the general highlights from the whole social network thingy, but honestly I don't really care. I am so over it, I don't even want to know about it. Cause then I'd want to comment. And it's just not worth throwing my two cents in. I have enough of my own shit to worry about. I so do not have time to worry about hers. Will we ever talk again? I assume so. We live in the same city, so there's bound to be that awkward grocery/department store meeting at some point. Am I really that worried about it? No.
I've been to several things lately with my kid. And let me tell you, the lack of parental supervision amazes me. There are not school age kids here. These are kids that are age 2-4. How these parents can go to a bouncy castle type place, playground, swimming pool, etc. and just turn their kid loose without even paying attention to what they are doing or where they are amazes me. They probably think I am the crazy overprotective mother who is attached to her kid's hip. That's fine with me. No way I am letting my kid run loose in a public place with no supervision. Especially when a swimming pool is involved.
I encountered a 4 year old the other day that can only be described as a Mean Girl waiting to happen. Her mother told her to stop doing something, and she actually responded with "You don't tell me what to do!". And the mother dropped the subject and acted like that was just totally normal. And all I could think was that if that had been my kid, I would have jerked her up and busted her ass in front of God and everybody for talking to me like that. Then again, the same mother gave her infant a pen to play with and I had to take the cap away when she almost swallowed it. The mother was more concerned about finding the pen that about the fact that her kid could have died trying to eat part of it. Amazing.
I still try to ignore politics because people have apparently gone insane. I remember a time when the political parties had different agendas but for the most part were pretty close to center and could even agree on stuff. Now it seems like both parties are all extreme to one side or the other and would rather gnaw off an appendage than agree with the other party on anything. And it pisses me off when all these people blame Obama for the crappy state of this country. Like he drove it straight into the shitter himself. Okay fine. Maybe some of the things he's done while in office haven't exactly helped like we hoped, but he inherited this mess, he didn't create it all on his own. The fact that people seem to conveniently forget stuff that has happened in the past just makes me want to scream.
I saw a FB post the other day bitching about Obama that was quoting all these stats about how good it was before he took office. It said something like gas was under $3 a gallon - just this whole list of stats. And I looked at it and was like ?????? That wasn't that long ago, and I remember gas being over $4 a gallon then. It amazed me. Someone actually called this person on it and posted the actual stats for that year. I was so happy to see that. Usually people just repost stuff and don't even pay attention to it. I am all for speaking out about something if you disagree - that's part of what makes up our country. But don't just spout out political nonsense without checking your facts first. Ignorance makes me crazy. And people just get plain stoooopid when it comes to politics. It's not about truth at all. Ugh.
A good friend has been going through some stuff lately, and I've been a sounding board. And as I hear more and more, I get really irritated because I thought this was one of the good guys, and now I am starting to feel like he's a real ass. And I wonder if he's always been a total douchebag and I just didn't see it, or if there's more to it besides what I've been told. I hope that it's the latter. I really hope he gets himself into a better place and starts treating his family better. Everything isn't about you, the world doesn't revolve around you, and you shouldn't deny or approve stuff for you kids just because you did or didn't have it when you were a kid. It's cool if you have issues. Just man up and take responsibility for them. See a doctor, get some medication. Hell, see a therapist and work some shit out. But stop being such a jerk to the people that love you and put up with you on a daily basis. Jeez.
We are trying to get geared up to potty train. The Minion is sorta interested, but kinda not. And I am just dreading it so much that I am not pushing it at all. I just want to wake up and have him potty trained. Since that's not gonna happen, I considered gating him into the kitchen with newspapers all over the floor like a puppy. But I bet that would get me into all kinds of trouble. We have pull-ups and a potty and a potty seat for the big potty. He's just not quite there yet. My goal is to have him trained by age 3, so we've got time.
I asked him the other day if he would like it if Mama had a stroller with a baby in it, and he informed me that HE was the baby. I would like to have another kid next year, so that should be fun. Ah, sibling rivalry.
And on that note, I have to go change a diaper of stinky poop. One of the many joys of motherhood here at the House of Eville.
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