If you live in my area, you know that it is basically impossible to walk outside these days and hear yourself think. The cicada invasion that happens every 13 years is in full swing, and man, those ugly little buggers are LOUD. The evil weenies love them as a snack though, and that adds yet another level of gross.
If you don't know what a cicada is ... well, bless your innocent little heart. It's like a locust and it had these creapy orange-red eyes. For some reason, most of the ones I keep seeing in my yard have some seriously jacked up wings. I don't know what that's all about, but it sorta makes me feel sorry for the little buggers. I mean, you are basically hibernating for 13 years and then get to crawl out into the world and live for a couple of weeks or so before dying. That's a pitiful little life. And then to have wonky wings so flying isn't even really possible - sorta cruel.
I generally try to avoid them, but they don't really bother me. I am amazed by how loud they are. And they are really ugly. But generally harmless. I did get preoccupied today with checking my river birch tree for signs of them, and got sidetracked with two different 'couples' involved in the breeding process. I admit, I tried to get a good picture. I couldn't because they were up too high and I needed a ladder to get a good angle with the camera. But I made an effort.
They weren't too pleased with the camera being shoved in their little ugly faces. They were all like "can we have some privacy please?" and "stop shoving that big camera at us". And I was all like, "well then stop having creepy bug sex in my favorite tree!". It was not my proudest moment.
The little bug husks laying scattered all over the ground, crunching under your feet as you walk, is also a little bit disturbing. I know it's just empty shells, but I still feel like a mass murderer.
In non bug related news, POF finally shaved off that crazy horrible beard he had going for way too long. I can deal with the big bushy goatee part - I've survived that before. But when the sideburn part started getting so long that it was sticking out like some sort of weird shrub on his face, it was time for it to go. Luckily he realized this on his own, and was shaving it off at midnight last night. Now he looks all young and fresh faced, and if I keep telling him how cute he is, I am sure he will grow it back just to spite me.
The Minion has discovered Micky Mouse, so Mickey's Playhouse has been added to the rotation. He still watched Thomas, but his latest obsession is Cars, specifically Mater. And Nemo. He LOVES Nemo. I am sooooo tired of Nemo. He also likes Chuggington, which he calls 'chuggy train'. And it's so cute, I just love to hear him say it.
He's talking up a storm and running around causing general mayhem at all times. He adores the dogs and had to be fussed at for picking at them all the time. One of these days he's gonna get bitten, I just know it. Still no potty training yet, though we are getting closer.
My fresh faced man just walked in the door, so it's time to leave this and have a little family time before The Minion goes to bed. He's a night owl like his Daddy and usually stays up till 10. Crazy kid.
I will return soon, with a tale of slithery evil and the giant toad that lives in the garage.