It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals
Part mom stuff, part snark and sarcasm. Part relationships. Part random bullshit. Often unintentionally funny. I write stuff, sometimes people actually read it. It's not easy being evil ... especially when you have some morals
Friday, September 17, 2010
It's possible my liberal roots are showing ...
I try not to get too political in general, but this whole mosque nonsense has just pushed me past my ability to ignore stupid shit.
I wasn't in NYC on 9/11. I don't know anyone who was. I didn't lose a friend or family member. So, that being said, I have no idea what those people may feel about the whole thing - when it happened, and everything that's gone on to do with it since.
I realize that people might not like the idea of a mosque being built, as they are saying, at Ground Zero.
But ...
It's not like it's smack dab in the middle of Ground Zero. It's like 2 blocks away, around the corner. Technically still in that area, but not right where one of the Towers stood or anything. And if you've ever been to NYC, you know that a city block there is big. It's not like a neighborhood block in your subdivision. This thing is quite a little jaunt from the actual Ground Zero location.
Besides that, it's not like the people that will be using this mosque are the people that engineered 9/11. Newsflash people, not every Muslim is a fanatical America hater bent on destroying us.
Just like we have those crazy fanatical evangelists. Every religion has them. They don't make up the majority.
Now, yes, a large section of the Middle Eastern people do chant "Death to America" on a regular basis, and most of them are probably Muslim. But that really isn't a religious thing so much as a political thing. They may hide it behind religion, but it's not really about that. And they are basically brainwashed into believing that by the political and religious leaders that control them. They hate America, but don't really know why.
I saw a documentary on North Korea. The reporter was a British lady and she went to a school. The kids she talked to were about 8-10. She asked them if they had a message for the President (Baby Bush at the time), what would it be. And one of the kids actually said that she would tell him to stop killing babies. WTF? I may lay blame for a lot of things in Bush's lap, but I don't recall a baby slaughter of any sort. They are misguided. Granted, it's probably these same misguided people that will blow us off the map one day, but still. They are a only going with what they've been indoctrinated with. It's sad actually.
It seems to me that America was founded on a few key principles. One of those was Freedom of Religion. History class was a long time ago, but I do seem to recall something about how the first settlers were eager to come over here to get away from the religious oppression of their homeland. They came here to start over and have a place where they could worship their way openly.
America is supposed to be "The Greatest Country In The World". And we try to perpetuate that myth. But let's be realistic here. We are not the melting pot we claim to be. We do not support all different cultures, races and religions. And heaven forbid you be gay. Gay and want to have a family - just not acceptable. We don't want people to be "different".
America is turning into a place that wants us to be white. Conservative Christians. Ban the Mosques. Build a wall to keep the illegals out, and send them back if they do get in. Don't think too differently, don't express radical opinions. Hate anyone or anything that isn't "normal".
That's not what America is supposed to be about. It amazes me that people seem to forget what this country was really created for ... especially while they are on their soapbox screaming about protecting the Constitution.
Fear breeds hate. And politicians love to incite fear in their followers. Pay attention people. Use your brains and think for yourselves. Don't just swallow what the talking heads tell you. Don't let political agendas shrouded in religious rhetoric take away things you may not even realize you have.
Enough of that. On a different note, The Minion smells, and has just informed me of "poop". I love being a mom.
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